Venture Center

The Lab2Mkt program is Venture Center's flagship early-stage technology commercialization program. Structured as a three-stage process, the Lab2Mkt program aims to fill the gap between a technology invention/innovation and a full-fledged business plan backed by a successful proof-of-concept.

Stage 1

  • Technology & IP due diligence
  • Market research
  • Risk identification, Proof-of-concept plan
  • Preliminary commercialization strategy / business model

Stage 2

  • Raising seed funds, Incorporation
  • Execute proof-of-concept plan
  • Detailed market due diligence
  • Engagement with Beta customers

Stage 3

  • Detailed business plan
  • Identify executive & operational team
  • Raise Series A financing

Venture Center will work with various partners throughout the Lab2Mkt program such as angels, venture capitalists, technology domain experts, IP creation & licensing professionals, government funding agencies, corporations, etc.

At each stage in the program, Venture Center seeks to identify and reduce as many risks - technology, market, team, etc. - as possible. In exchange for taking on these business risks, Venture Center will hold an appropriate equity stake in the spin-off incorporated during the Lab2Mkt program.

For details on applying for our Lab2Mkt program,
please contact us at Email: