Venture Center
About Us hero_Rev
About us

We are India’s award-winning leading technology business incubator for science and technology startups.


Venture Center was set up as an initiative of the National Chemical Laboratory under CSIR's scheme titled "Scheme for setting up incubation centers in CSIR laboratories". 

Venture Center was incorporated as “Entrepreneurship Development Center” under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (now Section 8 under the Companies Act, 2013), and we are an approved incubator of the National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (DST-NSTEDB) and Department of Biotechnology’s (DBT) Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC).


To nucleate and nurture world-leading inventive ventures out of India that solve the world's most pressing problems with science and technology-led interventions


To be the organization that will be credited with creating, shaping and sustaining a "Pune cluster" of innovative technology businesses with a significant economic impact regionally, nationally and globally within the next 20 years (Venture Center was founded on 10th Jan 2007).

Who we are

We are India’s award-winning leading technology business incubator for science and technology startups. Venture Center was set up as an initiative of the National Chemical Laboratory under CSIR's scheme titled "Scheme for setting up incubation centers in CSIR laboratories". 
Venture Center was incorporated as “Entrepreneurship Development Center” under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (now Section 8 under the Companies Act, 2013), and we are an approved incubator of the National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (DST-NSTEDB) and Department of Biotechnology’s (DBT) Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC). 

What we do

  • New venture creation

    Nucleate new business by creating the environment and opportunities for know-how providers, entrepreneurs and financiers to meet each other and form business teams.

  • Funding and investment

    Create and make available a continuum of early stage funding options for inventive enterprises Know more

  • Knowledge sharing 

    Organize and deliver a variety of events for information sharing, inspiration, training, showcasing and networking for the benefit of the larger innovation ecosystem.

  • Business incubation

    Nurture businesses through their start-up phase by creating and running an efficient business incubator offering business mentoring, infrastructure support, access to scientific support, funding,  specialized advisory services, networks, scientific and information resources, and a generally friendly, conducive and supportive environment.

  • Innovation management

    Facilitate activities and partnerships that support and promote the translation of ideas from academia to industry.

  • Innovation ecosystem

    Develop and make available a rich, diverse, continuous and collaborative innovation ecosystem for deep tech entrepreneurs.

Focus Areas

We focus on promoting inventive enterprises and spin-offs from
R&D institutions. We are sector agnostic but our strengths
lie in science based technologies in the following broad sectors: 


  • Health and 

  • Energy and 

  • Engineering and 

  • Agriculture and 

What if your idea doesn’t belong to any of the above sectors?

Watch out for the emerging sectors in our pipeline:

Circular economy, defense, food security, advanced medical biotechnology, climate action/clean energy, digital/IT sensors, electronic wearables, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)/ energy management.