Venture Center

The SEED Fund serves as a bridge between promoters' investment and Venture/Angel investment, providing capital assistance to startups with innovative ideas, enabling them to progress to a stage where they can attract investments or seek loans from commercial banks/financial institutions.

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The primary objectives of the SEED Fund are to encourage innovation and development in specific focus areas, with a particular emphasis on Biotech/Biomed, product-oriented enterprises, and those rich in intellectual property. It targets startups with up to 5 years of incorporation, focusing on innovation-driven projects with a turnover not exceeding Rs 25 crore.

Eligibility criteria

The SEED fund is only for start ups with minimum 51% ownership by Indian citizens (does not include OCI or PIO) and under BIRAC SEED Fund, a company will be considered as start up,

  • Up to 5 years from the date of its incorporation

  • It is working towards innovation development, deployment or commercialization of new products, processes or services driven by technology or intellectual property.

  • If its turnover for any of the financial years has not exceeded Rs 25 cr



  • There must be at-least one dedicated entrepreneur involved in the venture

  • There must be a formal business plan

  • The idea and team should be technically sound

  • The venture and the team must have high ethical & professional standards

  • The venture must have a strong technology/knowledge component

  • EHS requirements must be met

  • The team should show potential and credibility for raising money in future

  • The venture must be registered as a private limited company, or must be in the process of registration

  • The amount of funding requested must be less than Rs 30 lakh

  • The entrepreneur(s) must be willing to share equity in the venture


Quantum of financial assistance to one start up will be up to Rs 30 lakh

Terms of Seed Funding

  • Selected startup should be resident incubatee of Venture Center at the time of seed fund investment

  • Equity stake for seed fund: Up to 10%

  • Investment amount: Up to 30 lakh

  • BoD representation: 1 Board Nominee Director and/or observer of Venture Center

  • Reporting: Bi-annual presentation to SEED Fund committee + Annual financials/MIS