BIRAC LEAP Fund serves as a catalyst, offering capital assistance of up to Rs 100 lakh to startups with innovative ideas, facilitating pilot/commercialization of products/technologies and accelerating their journey to market.
Eligibility criteria
The BIRAC LEAP fund is only for Indian start ups with minimum 51% ownership by Indian citizens (does not include OCI or PIO).
There must be at-least one dedicated entrepreneur involved in the venture
There must be a formal business plan
The idea and team should be technically sound
The venture and the team must have high ethical & professional standards
The venture must have a strong technology/knowledge component
EHS requirements must be met
The team should show potential and credibility for raising money in future
The venture must be registered as a private limited company, or must be in the process of registration
The Venture should be a startup company as per DPIIT definition
The amount of funding requested must be less than Rs 100 lakh
The entrepreneur(s) must be willing to share equity in the venture
Typical terms for seed funding
Selected startup should be resident incubatee of Venture Center at the time of BIRAC LEAP fund investment
Investment mode: Equity ownership in a private limited company
Investment amount: Up to 100 lakh
BoD representation: 1 Board Nominee Director and/or observer of Venture Center
Reporting: Bi-annual presentation to LEAP Fund committee + Annual financials/MIS
To assess your eligibility for the Leap Fund application, consider the following key factors
Is amount of funding requested enough to reach critical milestone?
Does the venture have a clear, potentially significant/singular value proposition
How big/fast growing is the potential market?
Are target customers clearly identified?
How credible is the technology? (Is PoC credible in the opinion of subject-matter experts?)
Are there regulatory/certification/policy risks?
What are the sources of sustainable competitive advantage (eg. novelty, patentability, etc.)?
What is the quality of the business plan (revenue model, product roadmap, market segments, etc.)?