Venture Center
Eligibility and Track Record

In brief, Venture Center (officially, Entrepreneurship Development Center, EDC) is eligible to receive funding support under Section 135, Schedule 7 of the Companies Act 2013 because

  1. EDC is a non-profit entity; it is registered as a Section 25 company

  2. EDC was incorporated in Jan 2007 and has a track record of several years

  3. EDC is a technology business incubator approved by the Department of Science and Technology's National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (Ministry of S&T, Govt of India)

  4. EDC has been supported by funding from DST-NSTEDB, TIFAC, TDB, DSIR, BIRAC and DC/MSME (all Government of India agencies).

  5. EDC is located in the CSIR-NCL campus which is an academic organization that awards degrees under the ACSIR Act and is Central Government supported. (CSIR-NCL Campus is also home to IISER-Pune which is also a Central Govt Funded academic organization).

  6. Accreditation: Venture Center has been accredited by Credibility Alliance (CA) under Desirable Norms - the highest level of accreditation offered by CA. This accreditation provides an independent, respected and credible recognition of the high standards of accountability, transparency and governance followed by Venture Center. The accreditation positions Venture Center as the only technology business incubator in India with CA accreditation.

The following table provides detailed information for interested Corporate entities on eligibility and track record of Venture Center as required under Section 135, Schedule 7 of the Companies Act 2013. Under this, you need to include the entire table listed under this line “The following table provides detailed information for interested Corporate entities on eligibility and track record of Venture Center as required under Section 135, Schedule 7 of the Companies Act 2013.” can be copied as is.