Program Scope
“Kickstarter Initiatives” projects (KI Project) aim to help healthcare technology entrepreneurs close key gaps in their technology advancement/ de-risking/ validation/ deployment projects via targeted interventions.
Gains for participants
- Support/ Work orders for key interventions worth up to Rs 8.2 lakhs (or Rs 10 lakhs inclusive of GST)
- Mentoring and institutional support of Venture Center
- Linkages/ connects/ referrals; Identify partners/ service providers
- Advisory services from VC’s specialised resource centres including advise on agreements, strategy, roadmaps etc
Who can apply/participant?
- Has to be a legally registered company suitably structured to be able to raise further funding / investments.
- The company should not be a subsidiary or spin-off company of a larger entity.
- The startup should have a strong R&D, technology development, technology derisking and commercialization activity component.
- The Project Leader proposed by the Applicant should be technically competent to execute the project.
- Applicants should not have any antecedents / background that can tarnish the reputation of Venture Center or BFI or this program.
Technology idea and startup story
- The application should have submitted/ disclosed adequate information about the technology to allow a fair assessment.
- The applicant should be working on developing/advancing a science and technology based solution that promises to solve a real-world health related problem. The applicant needs to be working in the broad area of health related technologies including following industrial sectors: diagnostics, medical devices, digital health, therapeutics, preventives, rehabilitation.
- The proposed technology has to be scientifically sound and technically feasible. There should not be any obvious insurmountable barriers including regulations, IP, specialised facility needs, resource needs etc
Project (this is the proposed A→ B plan for the project/KI duration)
- The activities proposed for the Project/KI period should be aimed at crossing over key challenges/ barriers in development or advancement/ translation or commercialization of the above technology closer to market.
- Pure academic research with no relevance for impact via eventual deployment of a product/ service based on above mentioned technology will not be eligible.
Desired outcomes from Projects/KI:
- Submit a KI Project Outline with clear Work Components
- Submit a KI Project Completion Report.
- Periodic reporting of progress made by PLs in commercialization journey in 12 months following the KI Project period.
About KI Projects:
- Each project will have two Project Leaders. One from Venture Center and another from the Startup.
- Each project will have Work Components. The Work Components will be structured as a services project with a Work Order/ Service Contract being issued to an Execution Partner.
- The Execution Partner could be a) Service Provider/ Contractor/ Consultant, b) the startup proposing the KI Project and/or c) Venture Center.
Examples of KI Projects could include:
- Modelling/design services
- Fabrication and assembly services
- testing as per standards
- animal studies
- Limited clinical trials
- IP / patent costs
- Pitch deck development
- Presentation in an important trade show/ clinical conference
- Others important for the derisking advancement of a technology idea
Important dates