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Application process

TePP Phase II: Seamless Scale-up Support (S3T) Scheme:

 Details/Steps in the application process
Step 1Submit proposal online through VC-TUC site
Step 2VC-TUC coordinator reviews the proposal/suggest changes
Step 3Resubmit the proposal online through VC-TUC site
Step 4Proposal sent to technical evaluation (by Chairperson of Phase-I Project Monitoring Committee)
Step 5TUC will send proposals to two experts/angles for comments - based on which TUC will evaluate the proposal
Step 6Evaluated proposals will be send to TePP Secretariat - which will examine, seek further comments, if necessary, and put forth proposal to TePP Screening Committee (TSC) for consideration;
Step 7Innovators will be given an opportunity to present before the TSC; Once approved, to facilitate "financial closure", innovator will be given a letter of intent - which can be used to firm up agreements with banks etc.
Step 8After "financial closure", applicant signs "Terms & Conditions" prior to the actual release of funds
Step 9First release based on assessment of needs by TePP official; subsequent releases on assessments by TUC/Project Monitoring Committee
Step 10Funds released by DSIR directly to the innovator
Step 11Project completion/closure report will be reported to TSC for feedback and record

Abbreviations:DSIR - Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
TePP - Technopreneur Promotion Program
TUC - TePP Outreach Center
TSC - TePP Screening Committee (high-level committee appointed by DSIR/TePP administrators which makes the final funding decisions)
TMC - TUC Monitoring Committee (this is a local/TUC level committee)
VC - Venture Center

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