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Venture Center as a BIG Partner

Venture Center has been appointed as a BIG Partner starting with Round 4 of BIG.

The BIG Partner is expected to assist BIRAC with:

  • Popularizing the program and provide clarifications
  • First level of screening of applications (before BIRAC does final screening)
  • Carry out due diligence of applicants and projects
  • Administer the project on behalf of BIRAC
  • Reviewing and monitoring of projects

Key points to note:

  • Venture Center has decided to separate the teams that:
  • Thus, the BioIncubation team shall not be carrying out the evaluation/reviewing process. This is intentional and meant to reduce any conflicts.
  • Applicants are free to choose any of the BIG Partners for their application. Venture Center is likely to be a suitable BIG Partner for applicants:
    • From the western part of India including Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Northern Karnataka, Rajasthan and MP (due to its location)
    • Applicants who wish to leverage Venture Center's networks (with research institutions, entrepreneurs, investors etc) in the Western region
    • Applicants who wish to leverage Venture Center BioIncubator's BioIncubation programs, events etc at a later stage.

Resources for applicants:

Information sites for stakeholders:


BIG Partner Team @ Venture Center; | Phone: +91-20-2586-5875/76/77
